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Trading Life

Traders will often refer to their equity curve, and use different expressions when describing it, like climbing, smooth, dipping, or even underwater. But what...

Trading Life

Larry Connors is a well-known trader and author. He has written several booked on ,quantitative trading and short-term trading, including Buy the Fear, Sell...

Trading Life

How important are healthy choices in our trading success? Is what we choose to eat and drink a factor in our profitability? Does it...

Trading Life

Losses, losses, oh those little blighters. Life would be so much nicer without them, wouldn’t it? When we first start trading, if a trade...

Trading Life

Emotions and trading… those two words should never been uttered in the same sentence, right? But how about seeing emotions as a helpful tool...

Trading Life

Anyone who’s been interested in trading for long enough will have hear the term ‘fat finger’ trading, but what does it actually mean? And...

Trading Life

Quantitative trading is a type of trading that uses mathematical models and statistical analysis to identify profitable trading opportunities. It involves using algorithms and...

Trading Life

Who are the richest Europeans in 2022? We scanned the lists of Europe’s wealthy, to find the 10 richest Europeans in 2022. All of...

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